Pediatric Care and Your Newborn

First-time mothers have many decisions to make before their baby is welcomed into the world. One of those decisions should be your baby’s pediatrician. It’s important to find and get to know a pediatrician before your baby comes in order to avoid stressing to find one in the middle of transitioning into motherhood and to have someone you trust with your baby’s medical needs.

After your baby is born, there are some standard things you can expect to happen at doctor’s appointments. A newborn pediatrician is there to not only treat your baby if he or she is sick, but to make sure they are progressing properly. The pediatrician will measure your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference to analyze your baby’s growth since birth. These measurements can determine whether your baby is eating too much or not enough, or if your baby’s length is average for a newborn. Your baby’s vision, hearing and reflexes will also be tested to ensure these skills are developing the way they should be.

If any of the results from the tests that the pediatrician performs on your baby raise a red flag, your doctor will be able to give you specific instructions on what steps you should take next. The pediatrician can give you special dos and don’ts on care at home if necessary, as well.

Pediatric care for your newborn is also important for you. This is the time the pediatrician can discuss with you what you can expect to see happen within the first few months, as well as answer questions you may have about your baby. They can be an immediate resource when you feel your baby may be coming down with an illness or if your baby is showing signs of unusual behavior. If you’re having trouble with breastfeeding, your pediatrician can refer you to a lactation specialist to figure out what the problem could be.

Keeping your baby safe and healthy is your goal and a pediatrician’s. Having a doctor who you can feel comfortable calling whenever you need them is our main goal. At Pediatric Partners, we have general pediatricians, as well as pediatric subspecialists like neurologists and allergists. We want to be there for your baby and you during this new time in your life. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!


newborn, pediatric care
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