Baby girl drinking from milk bottle

Ways to Increase Your Breastmilk Supply

Moms worry. It’s one of the things we do best. Common concerns are: Am I doing this right? Do I feed my little one enough? Am I making enough breast milk? If your baby is gaining weight normally, then chances are your breast milk supply is fine. However, if you are breastfeeding and worrying, there are ways to increase your milk supply.

Supply and Demand

Express your breast milk as often as possible. Whether it is removed by pump or by your baby, the more often your milk is removed, the more often your breast milk will be produced. Breastfeed or pump at least 8 – 12 times each day.

Nurse and then Pump

Sometimes your breasts may not feel completely empty after breastfeeding. Pumping right after feeding helps alleviate this feeling. This can also help stimulate your body to produce more milk.

Offer Both Breasts at Each Feeding

Breastfeeding from both breasts during each feeding stimulates each breast. The more stimulation your breasts receive, your chance to increase breast milk supply grows.

Take Care of Yourself

Stress and fatigue will affect your body’s ability to make breast milk. Getting enough rest, eating a well-balanced diet and drinking plenty of water are imperative not only for your milk supply, but also to your well-being.


While there are not a lot of official studies on the use of medicinal breastfeeding herbs, called galactagogues, to increase breast milk supply, some mothers have very positive responses. These may include garlic, ginger, fenugreek, blessed thistle, alfalfa and more.

When to Call Your Pediatrician at Pediatric Partners

As long as your baby is healthy, happy and growing, then you should not need to worry about ways to increase your breast milk supply. However, if you have any concerns, please reach out to us. We love what we do!

Pediatric Partners has three locations to better serve our patients. The Evans office is at 411 Town Park Blvd.; the downtown Augusta office is at 1303 D’Antignac St., Suite 2600; and the new Grovetown office is at 5135 Wrightsboro Road. For more information about Pediatric Partners, call the office at 706-854-2500, visit, or follow the Pediatric Partners of Augusta Facebook page.

baby, breast milk, breastfeed, breastfeeding, lactation, milk production, production
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