Breastfeeding Advice and Information for the New Mom

Breastfeeding can be a daunting task, especially for new moms. There are so many new and unfamiliar experiences first-time moms have to deal with, so we want to make the transition into breastfeeding easier on you by providing some basic information on breastfeeding.

Get A Lactation Consultant

First, all new moms who plan to breastfeed should look into contacting a lactation consultant. Lactation consultants have specific training in breastfeeding and breastfeeding techniques and have spent hundreds of hours with nursing families. Identifying your lactation consultant before your baby is born saves you the stress of looking for one when you’re having trouble with breastfeeding.

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you begin to breastfeed, don’t be alarmed if it hurts. This is normal for most women, and the pain should go away over time. Over-the-counter products such as lanolin can help with the pain associated with the beginning stages of nursing. If the pain is unbearable or it remains over a long period of time, you should contact your lactation consultant to see if the issue may be the baby latching on improperly. It’s ok if you don’t get the hang of breastfeeding the first, third or fifth time you do it; it gets better as both you and your baby are able to practice.

Peace and Quiet

Because many babies breastfeed better in quiet, calm spaces, it may be a good idea to designate a certain room or spot in your home as your breastfeeding area. This way, you and the baby aren’t distracted while you nurse. Great items to keep in this area include your breastfeeding pillows, extra diapers for the baby, and an iPad or book for you. Breastfeeding is a great time to bond with your baby, so providing an environment where you and the baby can both focus will be beneficial. Breastfeeding isn’t only done in the comfort of your own home, so it’s a good idea to invest in comfortable nursing tanks and other portable nursing items to make breastfeeding on the go as stress-free as possible.

Stay Hydrated

One of the most important things a new mom should know about breastfeeding is that in order to provide a sufficient amount of nutritious milk to your baby, you have to eat, stay hydrated, and take care of yourself. Your body has to have enough nutrients to provide for both of you, so stay fueled to prevent the possibility of your milk supply decreasing.

Every new mom’s experience with breastfeeding will be different, but these tips are a start for a successful journey. At Pediatric Partners of Augusta, we have lactation consultants that can help you along the way, as well as a breastfeeding room in our Evans office. For more information on how we can help you, give us a call today at 706-854-2500 or follow us on Facebook.