Children don’t stick to a schedule of when to get sick or injure themselves. Pediatric Partners of Augusta understands that parents don’t just need a pediatrician from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday. That’s why we are proud to offer current patients access to our after-hours clinic at our Evans location, 411 Town Park Blvd.
Current patients never need an appointment to see the pediatrician during this time. Please click here to view updated hours.
Being a parent is scary enough. You shouldn’t have to worry about what to do if your child needs to see a pediatrician outside of normal office hours. Our after-hours pediatrics clinic offers all the services we do during normal business hours.
Our pediatric staff is here to help with illnesses and minor injuries. Please note that this is not an emergency room. The after-hours pediatrics clinic is here for all the same reasons you would go to a pediatrician during the day. If you believe your child is suffering an emergency, call 9-1-1 as quickly as possible.
With infants and toddlers who cannot talk, it sometimes can be difficult to determine whether to come to the after-hours clinic or go to the emergency room. In general, if your baby is younger than 5 months old and cries for more than three hours in a row, you should see the pediatrician. If the level of crying sounds like hysteria, and you would describe it as inconsolable with no signs of stopping, you probably should go to the nearest emergency room.
For more information about our after-hours pediatric clinic, call us at 706-854-2500.
Pediatric Partners has three locations to better serve our patients. The Evans office is at 411 Town Park Blvd.; the downtown Augusta office is at 1303 D’Antignac St., Suite 2600; and the new Grovetown office is at 5135 Wrightsboro Road. For more information about Pediatric Partners, call the office at 706-854-2500, visit, or follow the Pediatric Partners of Augusta Facebook page.